Purple Plants

Purple plants
Create your dream garden all year round
- Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' It's hard to think of a more versatile plant with purple leaves than Cercis canadensis.
- Berberis thunbergii f. ...
- Heuchera 'Midnight Rose' ...
- Acer palmatum. ...
- Cotinus 'Royal Purple' ...
- Dahlia 'Bishop of Oxford' ...
- Hydrangea quercifolia. ...
- Sedum telephium 'Xenox'
What is a purple leaf plant?
The purple-leaf shamrock, Oxalis triangularis, is a low-growing foliage plant for the garden that also makes for an attractive indoor plant with rich, vibrant, purple leaves. Smart gardeners have gravitated to this beautiful foliage plant to add color indoors and outdoors for several decades.
What is the prettiest purple flower?
World's 50 Most Pretty Purple Flowers
- Verbena (Verbena bonariensis)
- Delphinium (Delphinium sp.)
- Pasque flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris)
- Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)
- Clematis (Clematis sp.)
- Salvia (Salvia sp.)
- Purple Freesia (Freesia sp.)
- Catmint (Nepeta sp.)
What plant has purple flowers?
Lavender is among the most familiar of all plants with purple flowers. Prized for its heavenly scent and essential oil content, lavender is both deer-resistant and sun-loving. Plant it in well-drained soil for the best results. There are many different species and varieties of lavender available.
What is a purple house plant?
Also known as the royal purple plant (Strobilanthes dyeriana) and has to be considered one of the best purple house plants available. A flowering plant that is ideal for growing indoors as an ornamental. With its unique foliage that shimmers in shades of green veins and purple.
What are the purple shrubs called?
From relative obscurity, loropetalums have leaped to the forefront of Southern gardens.
Is there a purple prayer plant?
Its broad purple oval shaped leaves with contrasting deep burgundy and bright purple splotches and electric blue arching veins brighten and add personality to any interior space. In its natural form this species of plant requires a specific care routine.
What are the purple spring flowers called?
Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) – Lilac produces small purple flowers that grow in dense clumps on the bush. It symbolizes rebirth and is often associated with Easter. Lilacs have a fragrant scent and are often found in gardens and decorative bouquets.
What are the wild purple flowers called?
Common Camas | Grass Widow | American Sawwort |
Slender Toothwort (short leaves) | WesternCorydalis | SubalpineDaisy |
LeafyAster | SpreadingPhlox | Monkshood |
OregonFlag Iris | ShowyJacob's Ladder | Howell'sViolet |
ColumbiaKittentails | NakedBroomrape | SagebrushViolets |
What is a Purple Queen flower?
The purple heart plant (Tradescantia pallida)—also commonly called purple secretia or purple queen—is a fast-growing member of the spiderwort family, with dark purple leaves and long purple stems. The plants produce small pink and purple flowers, though the leaves are more attention-grabbing than the blooms.
Is there a purple Lilly?
Free-Flowering Hybrid Calla Lily Purple Sensation adds regal elegance to patio containers and flower beds. The beautiful, cup-shaped, upright, trumpet-shaped flowers bloom from early to midsummer and the royal purple color looks like satin exploding from the lush, green foliage.
What is a calming purple flower?
Lavender Its calming scent and beautiful lilac hue is incredibly relaxing.
What plant has tiny purple flowers?
Verbena. The verbena plant is recognizable by its clusters of purple flowers. Its blooms attract butterflies and bees from early summer until the first freeze and can be found growing naturally in meadows and along slopes and riverbanks. Aside from its aesthetic value, verbena has medicinal benefits.
Are purple plants indoors?
Purple oxalis is easy to keep as an indoor plant, provided you give it a sunny spot and keep the soil moderately moist. Note that purple oxalis goes dormant in the summer, so if you notice droopy foliage don't worry.
Are purple leaves rare?
Purple foliage plants, despite their rarity, are extremely popular. The green leaves of autumn give way to red, orange and yellow. However, a few lucky species will turn a shade of purple, which is rare in the fall color palette.
What is purple spider flower?
An easily grown annual native to South America, cleome (Cleome hassleriana synonym C. pungens, C. spinosa) is a favorite in Southern gardens. The delicate pink, rose, purple, white, or bicolor spider-like flowers, along with the spidery seedpods, give it the common name, spider flower.
Is there a purple evergreen?
Ruby Loropetalum (Chinese Fringe Flower) is an attractive dark green-purple evergreen shrub, in the witch hazel family, that has a compact growth habit that is easy to maintain.
What is the name of the purple perennial?
Hydrangea. One of the most popular shrubs with purple flowers, bigleaf or mophead hydrangeas produce big, showy round flowers on a medium to large shrub. They like light shade and need a medium amount of water. Hydrangea blooms in a range of colors from white to purple.
What tree or bush has purple flowers?
Jacarandas are one of the most popular flowering trees, with beautiful long lasting light purple flowers. They grow best in warm climates (zones 9b to 11 in the US), in a spot that receives full sun for most of the day.
Why do they call it prayer plant?
This hardy indoor plant earned its common name from the fact that the leaves tend to fold together at night, like a pair of praying hands. Most types of prayer plant have variegated foliage, adding to the plant's overall interest. Prayer plant does produce flowers, but they're not large or particularly showy.
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