Petra Tree

Petra tree
Croton Petra is a gorgeous ornamental foliage plant with stunning leaf colour and variegation. The leaves tend to be glossy and oval in shape with pointed tips. Colours range from pink, through reds, oranges, yellows, light and dark greens - so much colour on one plant!
How big do Petra plants get?
Give it room to grow over time as it can reach 3-8 feet tall and 3-6 feet wide, adding tropical vibes to any room. The Croton Petra is full of vibrant, beautiful colors.
What are Petra croton good for?
Growing plants indoors can greatly reduce the level of toxins in our space. More importantly, NASA deemed Crotons are one of the top 50 best air-cleaning houseplants. Indoor plants clean the air in three ways: They absorb pollutants into their leaves and the toxins are then absorbed into the plant's roots.
Is Petra croton poisonous?
Toxicity:1-2 Exposure to juice or sap from these plants or a puncture wound from the thorns may produce a skin rash or irritation. Ingestion may cause minor symptoms such as rash, vomiting or diarrhea.
How do you grow Petra?
This plant prefers temperatures between 60-70 degrees. Keep your Croton Petra away from drafts and cold areas like a windowpane in the winter. For best results, use a general houseplant fertilizer once in early spring, once in early summer, and again in mid-summer.
Is Petra a flower?
Achillea 'Petra' is a compact variety, bearing dark red umbels that don't fade as the season progresses, in contrast with silvery green fern-like foliage. Perfect for a sunny spot in an informal, mixed herbaceous border, it works well among other brightly coloured blooms. It makes a fantastic cut flower.
Is Petra croton toxic to dogs?
Croton Are Toxic To Pets | Pet Poison Helpline.
Does croton Petra grow fast?
How fast do croton plants grow? Croton are regarded as slow to moderate growers. Given plenty of bright light and consistently moist soil, your croton may grow as much as 12 inches over the course of one growing season.
How do I keep my Petra croton small?
Pruning Your Croton Prune your Croton Petra to maintain a certain height or shape or to remove dead leaves. Remove old, unattractive or damaged leaves from the base of the plant with a clean blade, ideally during the dormant period. Avoid pruning them when they are in the peak of their growing season.
Can I touch croton plant?
Croton. This is another very common houseplant that must be kept out of reach of kids and pets. Its leaves are so toxic that even coming in contact with them through touch alone could have bad results. It also contains an oily substance that causes vomiting if ingested.
How long do croton plants live?
How long do crotons live? The average lifespan of indoor croton is two to four years. To keep your plant outliving its lifespan, take stem cuttings from a mature, healthy plant to propagate the plant. A plant living outdoors in the correct zone in ideal conditions will live longer.
Where should I place a croton plant in my home?
Place croton in a sunny location such as an eastern, southern, or western window. If a croton is getting too little light, its newer leaves will be less colorful. Keep the soil evenly moist, but let it dry out between waterings.
Why do people hate croton plants?
As for Crotons, Warwick says, "people are easily drawn to the croton because of its bright, vibrant colors." However, these plants are notoriously finicky. They are magnets for common plant pests such as mealybugs, scale, thrips, or spider mites.
Is croton good for home?
These plants help purify the air quality in the house. Colourful croton pants also have a great impact on one's mental health and spread positivity in the house.
Are croton plants cancerous?
Phorbol, from Croton spp., has a carcinogenic effect and is used in tumour research.
Can Petra croton survive winter?
Since Crotons are Tropical Plants (not sub-tropical) they cannot tolerate cold spells, or extended ones—when the temperature drops down to 32 or lower—so we must add protection, and in particular for young plants.
Does croton need direct sunlight?
Croton plants prefer full sun, but depending on the species, some can tolerate partial shade. The amount of sun that the plant receives will correlate to the intensity of its color.
Do croton plants come back every year?
They're considered a perennial evergreen shrub and do well outdoors year-round in frost-free places like Central and South Florida (USDA zones 10 and 11).
Why is Petra special?
The site is considered significant by historians and archeologists alike because of its beautiful rock-cut architecture and innovative water management system, the latter of which made the region inhabitable, given that it is surrounded by desert and rugged, mountainous terrain.
Why is Petra sacred?
The Nabatean culture erected the city to highlight solstices, equinoxes. An ancient civilization built the famous, stone-hewn city of Petra so that the sun would illuminate their sacred places like celestial spotlights, a new study says.
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